Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections Pinellas County Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections Pinellas County Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections Pinellas County Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections Pinellas County
  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democrat:
  • Republican:
  • Other:
  • Total:

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  •  2024 Guía del votante 
  •  Regístrese para votar
  •  Un votante que requiere asistencia puede traer a alguien al precinto de votación para proveerle ayuda con su votación conforme al Estatuto de Florida 105.051.
  •  Línea directa de asistencia al votante: 1 (866) 308-6739, de lunes a viernes, 8:00am - 5:00pm.

Tomi S. Brown, Supervisor of Elections, Columbia County


971 W. Duval St., Ste 102, Lake City, FL 32055-3728
PHONE: (386) 758-1026 | HOURS: Mon-Fri., 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

17579 SW SR 47, Ft. White, FL 32038
PHONE: (386) 497-1293 | HOURS: Tues, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

The Columbia County Supervisor of Elections strives to provide reasonable accomodations to help people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate on our website. If you experience any difficulty accessing any part of this website, please call (386) 758-1026 or email for further assistance.