Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections Pinellas County Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections Pinellas County Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections Pinellas County Deborah Clark Supervisor of Elections Pinellas County
  • Active Registered Voters:
  • Democrat:
  • Republican:
  • Other:
  • Total:

Election Myths

Election mis/dis information is currently running rampant, and being amplified by social media and the internet. Some of this misinformation is even being created by foreign actors such as Russia and Iran. These operations are aimed at undermining confidence in US elections. Our office is always available to answer election related questions, and should be your first source of information. Visit the links below for more credible sources of election information:

Election Fraud

Election fraud is any activity that may constitute a prescribed offense under Chapter 104, F.S.. Election fraud does not include violations of campaign finance laws, Chapter 106 F.S.
Should you observe or witness a potential case of elections fraud, please complete and submit a complaint form so that it may be further investigated. Provide us with the date, time, and as much specific and credible evidence as possible. Election Fraud can also be reported through the Voter Fraud Hotline (in English and Espanol), Toll Free 1-877-868-3737, Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. EST.

Tomi S. Brown, Supervisor of Elections, Columbia County


971 W. Duval St., Ste 102, Lake City, FL 32055-3728
PHONE: (386) 758-1026 | HOURS: Mon-Fri., 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

17579 SW SR 47, Ft. White, FL 32038
PHONE: (386) 497-1293 | HOURS: Tues, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

The Columbia County Supervisor of Elections strives to provide reasonable accomodations to help people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to participate on our website. If you experience any difficulty accessing any part of this website, please call (386) 758-1026 or email for further assistance.